Author Archives: Charles Gagnon

U16 Weekend Update

A quick update for our U16s on our weekend plans. You will need BOTH SL and GS skis! The current plan is as follows:

Fri 2/10: The mountain has again approved Friday night training for those who can attend. Several coaches will be on the race slope around 5:30-6:00p for an SL training session in preparation for the race this Saturday. Please take advantage of this if you can and a big thank you to the mountain and the coaches for the time.

Sat 2/11: Have your SL skis sharp and waxed for the SL race at Blandford.

Sun 2/12: Bring your GS gear to the CAT. The U16s will have some GS training on Lower Alley Cat.

See you all this weekend and enjoy the snow!

U16 Update, Friday Training and Weekend Plans

Here is a quick scheduling update for parents of U16 racers.

Fri 2/3: The mountain has approved Friday night training for those who can attend. Lars and Larry will be on the race slope around 5:30-6p tonight for an SL training session in preparation for the race Saturday.

Sat 2/4: Have you skis sharp and waxed the SL race at Mohawk.

Sun 2/5: The U16s will have some more SL training on Lower Alley Cat.


U16 Update

Dear U16 parents,

Last weekend we had a good GS race at Berkshire East. The conditions were excellent, the set was very appropriate for a first race of the season and our skiers looked strong. The U16s were split up on Sunday with some racers at a U19 SL race and some training GS at Catamount.

This weekend is a three day weekend. As with other holidays, the mountain is expecting a lot of visitors on Sunday therefor the two training days will be Saturday and Monday. The current plan is:

Saturday 1/14/2017 8:30a – 12:20p – GS Training on Lower Alley Cat (with the U19s). Help with b-netting may be needed to speed-up the setup process.

Sunday 1/15/2017 – No formal on snow training, free-ski in your GS skis, practice your favorite drills.

Monday 1/16/2017 – 8:30a – 12:20p – GS Training on Lower Alley Cat (with the U12/14). Help with b-netting may be needed if anyone is available.

See you all Saturday!

Tri-State Party Pot Luck

Dear Tri-State families,

You have all been invited to join the Cashen clan at their home/farm this Sunday (1/15) in the evening for a Tri-State party pot luck! Sorry for the last minute heads up, this weekend was the only weekend without a race that worked for their schedule. We’ll host the paper plate awards later in the season in the Taconic lodge like IC!

5:00-6:30pm: skating on the pond and a bonfire (come dressed warm, kids in snow suits with skates if they have)
6:30-9:30pm: Food, drinks and good company

The Cashens will be cooking burgers and sausages. We need a few people to bring buns and toppings. If someone can bring chicken (marinated), it can be thrown on the BBQ, otherwise cooked chicken is fine too. We can also use items for the pot luck: side dish, apps, desserts, drinks.

Let me know at if you plan to attend so the Cashen’s can cook enough meat for everyone and also what dish you intend to bring so I can moderate the situation so we do not get too many sweets etc.

The Cashen’s are looking forward to seeing all of you this Sunday, Coach Sonia

LOCATION (about 20 minutes from Catamount just off Rte 23):
81 Roxbury Road | Hudson, NY 12513 | ph: (518) 851-2331