Sad News

Garrett Gagne, a former Tri-State Ski racer, died in a tragic accident over New Years. Garrett raced at Berkshire East and was a repeat Mass State HS Champion. He was also a stand out lacrosse player and won repeated Scholastic Athlete awards. As a senior at St Lawrence University, he was a leader of their lacrosse team, as well as, an outstanding student.

Garrett’s father Chris has been a leader in the Tri-State organization, serving as a board member and race starter at Berkshire East.

Our thoughts are with Garrett’s family, team mates, and our friends Berkshire East who do so much for our sport. The Parents Association will honor Garrett’s achievements and memory with a donation to the Garrett M. Gagne Memorial Fund.

For more on Garrett please go to:

Tri-State U12-16 Race Registration Notes

Hey Gang,

It seems as though there is still a great deal of confusion regarding the race registration procedure for Tri-State. First, please first refer to the Tri-State website ( for both the official schedule and the mailing addresses for the various ski areas. While some race dates are listed on USSA’s website, un-scored (meaning U12, U14 & U16) events, often are not listed correctly or timely.

On the Tri-State website, please use the drop-down menu at the top. Under “Schedule” you’ll find clickable links to the “U10-U12-U14” and “U16” race schedule. Please note, in the Western Mass division (which we are part of) we only schedule and allow U12 & U14 racers to compete in Tri-State since we have the Interclub program which the other divisions of Tri-State do not.

Once on the appropriate race schedule page, look for the list of western Mass races under the heading “WESTERN MA SERIES”. Each race entry will list the location, date, race fee and will have a note if AlpineReg (online registration may be used). For all our regular season races, registration is $50. If you click the name of the host area in this events list it will bring you directly to the mailing address for that particular mountain. Please make all checks payable to whoever is listed there (and use this information, not any addresses you may have seen on other websites).

As for timing of race registrations, it doesn’t matter how your check and entry card get to the mountain. Just make sure they arrive no later than the Thursday before the Sunday event. If you’re worried that it may show up on the Friday or Saturday before, of if you’re unable to pay by check, call the host mountain. I do not have any more detailed information about what they can or can’t do if you can’t pay by check or if you’re check is late. All I can say is that most places are flexible, and as long as they get a friendly phone-call in advance of a late or non-standard entry, most will work with you.

If there is mention on the Tri-State website about online registration for any event, they will provide a link to do so, or if they simply note that AlpineReg will be used a link to the main AlpineReg page is listed under the “Schedule” menu of the Tri-State website. Otherwise, please print out a copy of the USSA Alpine Entry Card (set of four pictured below or available as a PDF here) and fill it out. You’ll need to mail it along with a check for the registration fee.

On race day, please arrive with your racer’s USSA card and be ready to provide either $20, a driver’s license or your car keys as collateral for each of your racer’s bibs (the nice ones now cost mountains upwards of $40-50 each so they like to get them back). If there are any other specific requirements or note for a race, we will send an e-mail out to all of you.




Team Tuning Clinic & U12-16 Tri-State Update


Hey Gang,

All our Tri-State age groups (U12-16) should plan on bringing their GS equipment tomorrow. The U16’s that are competing at the rescheduled U18 event this Sunday will be training with the older group. Everyone else, please meet outside the Taconic Lodge by the Quad promptly at 8:30am.

I will be hosting a tuning clinic for ALL Catamount Racing families after practice in the Taconic Lodge. If you plan on attending, plan on getting started around 2:15-2:20pm (depending on exactly when practice ends). I will bring some handouts, but if I run out, I will e-mail everything we speak about during the clinic to the entire team tomorrow evening.

Finally, a friendly reminder to all Tri-State athletes. If you have not yet registered for USSA (which now includes your Tri-State dues during sign-up) you need to do so immediately if you do not want to miss out on the first race next weekend (1/11/15). To clarify as I’ve gotten some questions, Tri-State U12-14 racers must register as “USSA Youth Competitors” and U16+ must register as “USSA Alpine Competitors”.



Ski Tuning

With Camp over and a lot of skiing on icy and dirty snow, now is time for a good ski tune. Black Diamond Tuning Center on Main St, Great Barrington is run by Coach Mike Stevens and can help you out. (413) 528 9668 blackdiamondskituningcenter@gmail

Like them on Facebook

jacket update

Stacey Stevens found a back channel in order to get info from Spyder. At this point the jackets are “stuck” in Asia and will not be available for a few more weeks. I have followed up with an email to our rep that was terse with three points; it is useless for kids jackets to be delivered near the end of the season; that they have not met their commitment, and their lack of communication and response is unacceptable. I will follow up with a response to someone more senior at Spyder.


I have had a frustrating week trying to get a response from our sales rep at Spyder. Im elevating the issue and trying to get a response on the status. We have not had any issues like this in the past and I am disturbed with the lack of communication.