Tristate U16 & U19 Holiday Race Camp update!

Hey U16 & U19 parents and racers!

Just a reminder that Holiday Race Camp begins tomorrow. U16’s and U19’s will be training together. Please bring your SL gear for Wednesday and Thursday training. Tomorrow we will focus on clearing technique and turn shape/timing in the AM and flushes/hairpins in the PM.

Remind app

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Videographer needed!

We could really use a volunteer parent to help video the kids and then upload them to our Sprongo account. I have a camcorder and cables/SD card that we can use. We can use the video help for both practices and races! Please let me know if you’re interested.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Please meet Coach Adam at the Quad tomorrow at 8:25am sharp! Grab your buddies and don’t wait to start your warmup.


Coach Pat

“Ski fast…Take chances”

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